Mar 30, 2022
You've got questions, we've got answers. Today we are answering YOUR voicemails and covering everything from relationships post-baby, to growing families, and everything in between! Whether you're a parent-to-be or preparing for a big change in your family dynamics, this episode is for you.
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Mar 21, 2022
We all have a narrative that we tell ourselves, based on the things we learned growing up. This narrative often defines who we are and how we see ourselves. But what happens when this narrative stops working for us? What if we want to break away from it and free ourselves from the negative self-talk and feelings of not...
Mar 14, 2022
Sleep. It's something all us parents crave for our kids, and yet it can be so difficult to achieve! From getting a baby to sleep through the night to transitioning to a toddler bed, in this episode, Hayley’s real-life nanny Katie Kelley, is answering all your sleep questions and arming you with tips and advice on how...
Mar 7, 2022
We spend 9 months getting ready for a baby, but we don’t prepare ourselves for what OUR bodies do after birth. Today, we’re talking all things postpartum, from night sweats to nutrition. Jess, a registered dietitian, breaks down exactly what we need to know about postpartum nutrition, and Hayley opens up about the...